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246 results found for "Programs"

  • Don’t Confuse Computer Programs with Compliance Programs

    Many organizations identify the need for a program to help them meet all their compliance obligations They will then procure a computer program (or a suite of them) that claims to be the best solution to What they most likely thought they purchased was a compliance program; something that could actually A computer program while necessary to manage information and may help to achieve certification is not Don’t make the mistake between computer and compliance programs

  • The Value of a Program and Coach

    Sometimes (most often) you need the help of a program and a coach to improve your chances of success. We need a program to provide the structure and we need a coach to provide knowledge and experience. Compliance Program and Coach That is why we created and offer “ The Proactive Certainty Program™ ”. With this program guided by our compliance coaches we help you take your compliance parts and make them you are looking to get into compliance shape consider becoming a member of The Proactive Certainty Program

  • Implement Programs and Systems

    practices and having adequate room to be proactive is precisely the balance between management systems and programs While programs anticipate conditions, introduce change, and advance outcomes. This requires that companies implement appropriate programs to advance these goals along with their management

  • Compliance Programs and Systems

    All these programs have the same purpose. Programs are the means by which operational governance steers. Management programs are proactive by design to stay ahead of risk. Without effective programs you will never achieve compliance success. This model now includes the 5 immutable principles of program success:

  • Five Principles of Compliance Program Success

    regulatory, cyber, environmental, and so on) by helping organizations develop and execute credible program Program Scope & Context Obligation / Promise Register ​2. Program Resource Plan 4. Estimate and handle uncertainty. ​ support safety, security, sustainability, quality, environmental, ESG, regulatory, and other managed programs Kaizen is the Japanese word for "Good Change" or "Change for the Better" The following is one our Program

  • A Credible Program Needs A Credible Plan

    along with 5 immutable principles for program success. purpose for a compliance program in the following way: A good corporate compliance program helps to Compliance Program Evaluation – A program’s ability to deliver its core objective must continuously Program Scope & Context Obligations / Promises Register Concept of Operations ​2. Program Resource Plan 4. Estimate and handle uncertainty. ​

  • The Effects of Cyber Risk on Compliance Programs

    Cyber risk has the potential to affect compliance programs which are intended to keep: people, the environment Having an effective cyber security program is an essential part of today's compliance platform. However, aligning cyber security with process safety programs continues to be an important challenge and evaluate the effectiveness of your cyber security, emergency preparedness, and safety management programs Is the identification of cyber risks part of your overall risk management program?

  • Are Your Risk & Compliance Programs Effective?

    More than 75% of companies never measure the effectiveness of their risk & compliance programs. Certainty Scorecard™ (Version 3) to help organizations quickly assess how well their risk & compliance programs

  • Alignment Conversations - A Dialog Towards Program Success

    When it comes to compliance a lack of clarity and alignment often leads to program failure. Establishing alignment based on the five principles of program success is a good place to start and success: Facilitator led workshop to develop risked-based compliance plan for your program based on the 5 principles of program success. Plan for Success Use this engagement to help facilitate greater team and program alignment.

  • Implementing an AI Compliance Program: A Lean Startup Approach

    This environment demands real-time AI governance, supported by programs, systems, and processes that When it comes to AI, what we need instead are compliance programs that function as a system from day The core principle is maintaining an operational compliance program with essential capabilities working Compliance Accounting : Establish clear metrics for measuring the success of your compliance program, This approach ensures compliance programs are operational - able to deliver the outcomes of compliance

  • Building a Better Compliance Program: The Metrics That Actually Matter

    This is where we prove our program is making a difference. 📈 I ntegrity Metrics :Perhaps the most crucial

  • Overlooked Benefits of an Effective Management of Change Program

    Management of Change (MOC) is part of every effective process and pipeline safety program. of an organization which provides additional benefits to those looking to get more from their safety program Plan -Do-Check-Act Questions: In what way has your MOC program improved visibility of what is happening Which benefits would most help your organization achieve your desired safety program outcomes? What obstacles are in the way of realizing greater benefits from your MOC program?

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