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230 items found for "Measures"

  • Four Steps to Proactive Compliance

    obligation Define what constitutes evidence of compliance Define how progress against outcomes will be measured With this in mind the following are important measures to collect: Measures of Effectiveness (MoE) Measures of Compliance (MoC) – critical to compliance, where failure maybe cause for reassessment of the program Measures of Performance (MoP) – measures that relate to the operations of the compliance

  • Traditional versus Operational Approach to Compliance

    achieved when essential functions, behaviours, and interactions exist at levels sufficient to produce a measure This is when effectiveness happens as measured against realized outcomes. based on first achieving operability which is the minimum level of capability for creating outcomes - a measure

  • The Heartbeat of Compliance: Keeping Promises

    It's a measure of the worth of a person and of an organization.   Do you know when this promise has been met; how will you measure progress or status?

  • Implementing an AI Compliance Program: A Lean Startup Approach

    Compliance in Practice The Lean Startup approach for AI compliance focuses on three key principles: Build-Measure-Learn Instead, they must implement practical compliance measures and learn from their application in real-world Compliance Accounting : Establish clear metrics for measuring the success of your compliance program,

  • Beyond Metrics: Meeting Performance and Outcome-Based Obligations through a Strategic Framework

    Meeting performance and outcome-based obligations requires a different set of measures.

  • Stakeholder Trust: A New Destination for Risk and Compliance

    What stakeholders expect is a measure of assurance that your organization will keep all its promises How do you measure trust? when it comes to meeting obligations associated with the broader scope of stakeholder expectations, measurement gaining more traction and is poised to become an important performance index which could be used to measure

  • You May Be Using The Wrong Compliance Software And Here's Why

    the alignment of organizational values with operational objectives Managing preventive and mitigatve measures Continuous improvement across measures of conformance, performance, effectiveness, and assurance.

  • How effective is your compliance program at buying down risk?

    Compliance management systems measure such things as the number of: defects, incidents, emissions, violations However, changes to the level of risk is both a leading indicator and a measure of safety program effectiveness Measuring the level of risk is an essential practice of every effective process safety program.

  • For Compliance to Change It Must Raise Its Standard

    To meet the broader set of obligations requires intentional and sustained effort where measures of performance and effectiveness define success rather than only measures of conformance.

  • Overlooked Benefits of an Effective Management of Change Program

    In many ways, an MOC process measures the pulse of change, the level of risk, and amount of anticipated These measurements are invaluable to keeping people safe and companies profitable.

  • Mapping KPI, KRI, and KCI to the Bowtie Risk Model

    Preventative Barriers : Measures in place to prevent the hazard from being triggered. Mitigative Barriers : Measures aimed at reducing the severity of consequences if the top event occurs KCIs serve as indicators of the effectiveness of the control measures put in place to prevent and mitigate

  • Cleaning Up Your Documents Before The Auditor Comes Over

    Not only is doing the right thing when no one is watching a measure of quality, it’s also a measure of Instead of waiting for an auditor to tell them if they were off-side they establish measures to make

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