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29 results found for "MOC"
- API RP 1173 – Taking Ownership of Your Obligations
Compliance is built into the means and verified through measures of: effectiveness (MoE), compliance (MoC
- Digital Threads: The Future of Compliance
In addition, using digital threads as part of Management of Change (MOC) process may help ensure design
- Does Compliance Hinder Innovation?
Replacement in Kind uses the idea that when changes are made to the "design basis" a Management of Change (MOC This would result in fewer MOCs and fewer resources being spent redoing hazard analysis, risk assessments
- To Achieve Better Outcomes We Need to Pursue Outcomes that are Better
all facility changes (MOCs) were documented and all process information was updated and maintained in
- How To Conduct Scoping Interviews to Manage Personnel Changes
process is one of several to manage change safely and is often part of an overall Management of Change (MOC
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