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366 items found for "Risk"

  • The Uncertainty of Cause and Effect

    model chosen to describe a system often leads to specific methods and tools to address uncertainty and risk

  • The Human Side of Compliance

    However, when taking a closer look we notice that compliance has more to do with managing risks than Managing risk is a human-centric process that requires people to anticipate, plan and act to prevent In fact, not only is risk management human-centric it is very much an ethical process. For example, safety involves making decisions that involve risk. Risk-based decisions due to their inherent uncertainty are in the category of ethical decisions that

  • Compliance Performance

    improving their compliance performance and see it as an advantage in competing in highly-regulated, high-risk culture, systems, people) to be in compliance, the effectiveness of your compliance programs to reduce risk your programs are the better you are able to contend with the effects of uncertainty in buying down risks

  • A Systems Roadmap for API RP 1173

    framework for companies to evaluate their safety systems and processes to more effectively buy down risk prescription and audits, to a proactive approach, based on continuous improvement and the management of risk practices have benefited from this approach which can also be used for those in highly-regulated, high-risk : The outcomes of an API RP 1173 will be different for every organization according to the level of risk Gaps in alignment represent areas of potential risk and opportunities for improvement.

  • How to perform Gemba Walks for the Information Factory

    quality to achieve, safety (people, equipment and data to protect), and environmental impacts and other risks

  • The Problem With Safety

    That is the risk many companies are willing to take. This engenders trust, reduces risks, and improves customer loyalty. By cutting their compliance programs they increase their risks, create uncertainty in meeting obligations

  • The Two Towers of Safety: Be Safe, Act Safe

    In a manner of speaking, this approach reduces risk so that individual behaviors are less likely to cause Without the presence of a risky condition (the focus of HOP) an adverse effect is less likely to occur Similarly, risky actions will not be a problem if there are no risky conditions.

  • Why I Conduct Team Meetings on Mondays

    What has not changed is: Uncertainty and risk are still knocking on our front door.

  • Balanced Scorecard for Growth

    Are we mitigating risks to ensure outcomes are advanced?

  • Compliance Training versus Compliance Practice

    Be proactive - assess the risks in keeping your promises and make plans to improve your probability of

  • Are You Ready For an Environment-First Future?

    Instead of quality as job one or safety first programs, organizations now need to lead their risk & compliance

  • Leveraging Talent for Effective Compliance: Moving Beyond Specialization

    talent is a waste and when comes to compliance this waste hinders staying between the lines and ahead of risk

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