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377 items found for "Compliance"

  • Don't Settle for Fractional Improvements

    Now, imagine doing the same for compliance. Freed-up resources from the reactive side of compliance would be moved over to the proactive side. They could anticipate changes, address root causes, and introduce new capabilities to always stay in compliance If you did this, you could double your capacity to meet your compliance obligations.

  • LEAN - Lost in Translation

    risk measures needed to protect the value stream activities needed to meet compliance objectives preventive Compliance is considered as necessary, but a waste from a LEAN perspective. However, compliance programs serve the value chain by mitigating the effects of epistemic (i.e. reducible The following chart contains translations for other LEAN objectives as applied to the compliance domain Compliance processes will still contain traditional sources of "waste."

  • Good Things Take Time, Great Things Take a Little Longer

    Over the last several years I have endeavoured to change the way we think and do compliance. As essential as compliance is, it is not the number one priority of things to improve or excel at for There are others who are doing amazing things to help transform compliance. into practice to improve compliance in their organization. Grateful is an understatement. – Venessa Beunrostro (Compliance Analyst) It's not always possible to

  • Holes in the System

    Quality, safety, environmental, regulatory, and other compliance programs help to rebuild trust by reducing However, most organizations view compliance as a necessary evil and something to avoid, let alone something Together with a narrow focus on prescriptive compliance to “shall statements” the opportunity now exists This requires a proactive and intentional approach to compliance that focuses on outcomes, capabilities , and continuous improvement which are the hallmarks of an effective compliance system.

  • AI Governance, Guardrails and Lampposts

    At today's monthly "Elevate Compliance Webinar" participants learned strategies and methods for effectively governing artificial intelligence (AI) in organizations, particularly within the context of compliance This requires more than reactive compliance; it demands proactive governance methods tailored to the integrating policies, ethical codes, safety standards, and continuous oversight to mitigate risks and ensure compliance

  • Is your Scorecard Balanced?

    is why your value chain needs to operate between the lines of productivity (to increase margin) and compliance Compliance programs also serve the value chain by mitigating the effects of epistemic (i.e. reducible objectives and measures that let's you know how well you are doing across productivity, value, and compliance

  • Beyond Certification: The Limits of Certification in Improving Performance Across Industries

    Certification is often seen as a way to demonstrate compliance in various industries, such as security Studies have shown that organizations that pursue compliance certification for its own sake, rather than certification can create a "check-the-box" mentality that hinders real improvement and the advancement of compliance While certification can be a useful tool for demonstrating compliance, it should not be seen as a substitute Companies that desire to improve their compliance outcomes and chose certification as a means to get

  • If A Thing Is Worth Doing, It Is Worth Doing Badly

    When I founded Lean Compliance in 2017 I was encouraged to write blog posts to help draw attention to Writing allowed me to test ideas and better conceptualize the challenges facing compliance and how best Some of these interactions have led to meaningful engagements becoming clients of Lean Compliance. Chesterton we can write: Improving compliance effectiveness is something that is worth doing and worth the benefits of always being in compliance – the true lesson of the story.

  • Are You Ready For an Environment-First Future?

    Those that have been following us will know that compliance needs to be more than just checking boxes This is true for all compliance domains including environmental obligations. In recent years I have written about how the compliance landscape has changed and that it needs to more Compliance as a category of programs is more akin to quality which has control and assurance functions Environmental compliance is moving beyond simply monitoring and reporting towards establishing programs

  • The Triple Threat of Effective Risk Management: Ensuring, Insuring, and Assuring

    Risk and compliance practitioners often find themselves navigating the nuances in terminology that can definitions and how they work together to create a comprehensive risk management strategy for your compliance By understanding the distinct roles they play, risk and compliance practitioners can develop a multi-layered So the next time you find yourself in a discussion about risk or compliance, remember the power of ensure

  • Hacking Reactivity in Pursuit of Future Goals

    Over the last several years I have written, along with others, concerning the need for compliance to by waiting until something bad happens or compelled by laws, or pressured by stakeholders to improve compliance One such place, critical to compliance, is to adapt to variations in systems and processes to ensure The Power of Systems - Resisting Change Compliance systems are used to meet procedural obligations such Adaptability, is one of the properties of the Operational Compliance Model we introduced in previous

  • Automating Responsibilities

    Responsibility Assignment Matrix (RAM) using modified RACI model: This often leads to significant gaps in compliance fraction of the required responsibilities are implemented in the automation systems used to support compliance binding of responsibilities during execution Audit of design, model, and automation rules to verify compliance to be effective needs to consider not only getting the work done but also how the work gets done in compliance

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