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230 items found for "Measures"

  • Are AI-Enhanced KPIs Smarter?

    Contextual Factors: external factors beyond a company’s control, typically measured or tracked through Making systems changes relies on knowledge of what measures of effectiveness, performance, conformance (A shby’s Cybernetics Law of Ethical Inadequacy ) When a measure becomes a target, it ceases to be a good measure. What measures will be used to define success?

  • Zones of Compliance

    Meeting all these obligations requires measures of conformance, measures of performance, measures of effectiveness, and measures of assurance.

  • How to Make Things More Certain

    This is not unlike the practice of risk management where measures are used to interfere with the natural At a quantum level, the act of measuring affects what we observe. It's only when we take the measurement that one is made more certain and the other less so. We don’t want the measurement of what “is” to affect what “will be.” To limit the effect we isolate the measurement from the reality we are observing.

  • Redefining Quality Assurance and Control

    QC: The Reactive Measures At its core, QC is a set of activities focused on identifying and addressing QC involves inspections, testing, and other validation measures to catch errors or problems before a QA: The Proactive Measures In contrast, QA takes a more proactive and holistic approach to quality. activities such as: Establishing clear quality standards and processes Implementing quality control measures QA as the Measure of Assurance As the role of QA has evolved, it has become the primary measure of an

  • Value Protection - Margin and Compliance

    While the measure of performance is efficiency, the measure of effectiveness is better margins. The measure of performance is the level of certainty (confidence) on achieving objectives (you might The measure of effectiveness is compliance – the outcome of meeting obligations which is manifested as a measure of safety, quality, security, privacy, reputation, and other properties of value. Whereas, epistemic uncertainty is handled by means of compliance controls and measures to buy-down risk

  • Two Kinds of Compliance Resiliency

    Consistency is a critical measure of performance and passing an audit is the measure of success.   Risk controls (measures) are put in place to ensure that objectives are achieved, and outputs are evaluated Meeting objectives is a critical measure of performance, and making progress is the measure of success

  • The Qualitative Nature of Quality

    In fact, even when considering qualitative characteristics they are often mapped to quantitative measures Quantitative measurements are considered by many as better than qualitative measurements. One of the reasons given for this is that the former are objective whereas qualitative measurements are indicators are measured and monitored. That is a qualitative measure which requires a value judgment.

  • A Faster Way to Operationalize Compliance

    This provides a measure of conformance at least at some level. This systems-first approach emphasizes system interactions so that a measure of effectiveness is achieved Not only is the system operational it is already demonstrating a measure of effectiveness.

  • Which Organizations Do Compliance Better?

    Both organizations are "in compliance" using Compliance 1 measures, however, they are both not doing We communicate all our measures of assurance to our stakeholders to keep us accountable and on track. Answer : All our safety obligations, commitments, risk and measures are documented, measured, controlled Answer : All our quality obligations, commitments, risk and measures are documented, measured, controlled Answer : All our environmental obligations, commitments, risk and measures are documented, measured,

  • You can't turn lagging into leading indicators no matter how hard you try

    Many organizations try to use measures of conformance to predict and possibly prevent future occurrences Lagging Indicators and Actions Lagging indicators measure what has already happened specifically after Leading indicators include measures of effectiveness of the preventive controls which are predictive Bottom Line Lagging indicators can never be leading as they measure things after the risk event. They may have utility to predict future risk events but this is limited as they often measure things

  • AI Safety Approach (ISO PAS 8800)

    additional uncertainty surrounding specific requirements that necessitate structured assurance and risk measures distinction is crucial for implementing effective management processes, technical controls, and risk measures specific assurance protocols for these requirements, and Implement appropriate risk controls and measures

  • AI Governance, Guardrails and Lampposts

    Governance in the AI era requires more than traditional oversight; it requires proactive measures like incorporate guardrails (e.g., safety and security protocols) and lampposts (e.g., transparency and fairness measures AI Safety Policies: Measures to prevent harm and ensure robust testing and monitoring of AI systems.

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