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220 items found for "Quality"
- Where you aim determines what you achieve
If your goal is to achieve a higher standard of quality then you also know what you need to do to achieve These companies rarely saw an improvement in their quality. However, companies that wanted to improve their quality and chose to implement ISO 9001 as a means to get there, not only achieved certification, but they also improved their quality. Where are your quality, safety, environmental, or regulatory compliance programs aiming at this year?
- Measures without Measures is a Waste
consider two principle meanings behind the word measure: Measurement - Estimate or assess the extent, quality
- What Do We Mean By Risk?
risk is threat to return on investment, Project Managers , risk are threats to schedule, cost, and quality
- Surprise me now, surprise me later, but never say I am not surprised.
When preventable incidents occur associated with safety, environmental, quality or regulatory objectives
- 4 R's of Continuous Performance
In order to continually advance quality, safety, environmental and regulatory outcomes there are 4 changes
- The Problem With Safety
reduction message is heard across all industries and across all compliance programs be it safety, security, quality That is how we determine the quality of our products and services. What is often forgotten is that customers also have quality expectations for how a company manufactures
- How is Your Compliance Vision?
transformative power of having a clear compliance vision in areas of safety, security, sustainability, quality
- RISK: Losing Your Social License
Responsibility), ISO 37301(Compliance Management System), and others that deal with specific domains such as quality
- Mismatched Systems
For managed compliance programs (i.e. safety, quality, environmental, regulatory) to be effective they
- Compliance: the triple threat against mission failure
These expectations revolve around the delivery of quality products and services, ethical practices, fair
- Integrating Duty of Care into Compliance Programs Through Promise Embedding
embedding promises would have the greatest impact, such as workplace safety, data privacy, or product quality
This new program covers quality, safety, security, environmental and regulatory objectives and is available