With the increases in the number and severity of security breaches, digital factories could benefit from risk-based process safety management to protect against unexpected releases of private data, information, and insights.
Process Safety is a combination of engineering and management skills focused on preventing catastrophic accidents, particularly explosions, fires, and toxic releases, associated with the use of chemicals and petroleum products. Process safety practices have evolved over decades of experience and many lessons learned.
Process Safety is focused on the identification of hazards and their effective removal and or mitigation. Safety barriers (i.e. risk controls) are put in place to guard against unexpected releases and are designed into the process and then maintained for the life of the facility.
A Management of Change (MOC) process is used to preserve the design of the facility along with existing safety barriers. Either one can be modified provided that risk is managed.
In the case of an incident an emergency response system is used to minimize consequences and to restore safe operations.