As artificial intelligence continues to advance, AI engineers face a practical challenge – how to build trustworthy systems when working with inherent uncertainty. This isn't merely a theoretical concern but a practical engineering problem that requires thoughtful solutions.

Understanding Uncertainty: The CYNEFIN Framework
The CYNEFIN framework (pronounced "kuh-NEV-in") offers a useful approach for categorizing different types of uncertainty, which helps determine appropriate engineering responses:
1. Known-Knowns (Clear Domain)
In this zone, we have high visibility of risks. Cause-effect relationships are clear, established practices work reliably, and outcomes are predictable. Standard engineering approaches are effective here.
2. Known-Unknowns (Complicated Domain)
Here we have moderate visibility. While solutions aren't immediately obvious, we understand the questions we need to answer. Expert analysis can identify patterns and develop reliable practices for addressing challenges.
3. Unknown-Unknowns (Complex Domain)
This zone presents poor visibility of risks. While we can't predict outcomes beforehand, retrospective analysis can help us understand what happened. We learn through observation and adaptation rather than pre-planning.
4. Unknowable (Chaotic Domain)
This represents the deepest uncertainty – no visibility with unclear cause-effect relationships even after the fact. Traditional models struggle to provide explanations for what occurs in this domain.
Current State of AI Uncertainty
Current AI technologies, particularly advanced systems that use large language models, operate somewhere between zones 4 and 3 – between Unknowable and Unknown-Unknowns. This assessment isn't alarmist but simply acknowledges the current technical reality. These systems can produce different outputs from identical inputs, and their internal decision processes often resist straightforward explanation.
This level of uncertainty raises practical questions about appropriate governance. What aspects of AI should receive attention: the technology itself, the models, the companies developing them, the organizations implementing them, or the engineers designing them? Whether formal regulation emerges or not, the engineering challenge remains clear.
Finding Success Amid Uncertainty
The path forward isn't about eliminating uncertainty – that's likely impossible with complex AI systems. Instead, we need practical approaches to find success while working within uncertain conditions:
Embracing Adaptive Development
Rather than attempting to plan for every contingency, successful AI engineering embraces iterative development with continuous learning. This approach acknowledges uncertainty as a given and builds systems that can adapt and improve through ongoing feedback.
Implementing Practical Safeguards
Even without complete predictability, we can implement effective safeguards. These include establishing operational boundaries, creating monitoring systems that detect unexpected behaviors, and building appropriate intervention mechanisms.
Focusing on Observable Outcomes
While internal processes may remain partially opaque, we can measure and evaluate system outputs against clear standards. This shifts the engineering focus from complete understanding to practical reliability in achieving intended outcomes.
Dynamic Observation Rather Than Static Evidence
While traditional engineering relies on gathering empirical evidence through systematic testing, AI systems present a unique challenge. Because these systems continuously learn, adapt, and evolve, yesterday's test results may not predict tomorrow's behavior.
Rather than relying solely on static evidence, successful AI engineering requires ongoing observation and dynamic assessment frameworks that can evolve alongside the systems they monitor. This approach shifts from collecting fixed data points to establishing continuous monitoring processes that track how systems change over time.
A Practical Path Forward
The goal for AI engineering isn't to eliminate all uncertainty but to move systems from Zone 4 (Unknowable) to Zone 3 and (Unknown-Unknowns) toward Zone 2 (Known-Unknowns). This represents a shift from unmanageable to manageable risk.
In practical terms, this means developing systems where:
We can reasonably predict the boundaries of behavior, even if we can't predict specific outputs with perfect accuracy
We understand enough about potential failure modes to implement effective controls
We can observe and measure relevant aspects of system performance
We can make evidence-based improvements based on real-world operation
Learning to Succeed with Uncertainty
Building trustworthy AI systems doesn't require perfect predictability. Many complex systems we rely on daily – from weather forecasting to traffic management – operate with a measure of uncertainty yet deliver reliable value.
The engineering challenge is to develop practical methods that work effectively within the presence of uncertainty rather than being paralyzed by it. This includes:
Developing better testing methodologies that identify potential issues without requiring exhaustive testing of all possibilities
Creating monitoring systems that detect when AI behavior drifts outside acceptable parameters
Building interfaces that clearly communicate system limitations and confidence levels to users
Establishing feedback mechanisms that continuously improve system performance
By approaching AI engineering with these practical considerations, we can build systems that deliver value despite inherent uncertainty. The measure of success isn't perfect predictability but rather consistent reliability in achieving beneficial outcomes while avoiding harmful ones.
How does your organization approach uncertainty in AI systems? What practical methods have you found effective?